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Department of Plant Biology
Address: 7624 Pécs, Ifjúság str 6. Mailing address: 7604. Pécs Pf. 266.
Phone: (72) 503 600 / 24428
Facebook page of the Department of Plant Biology
Head of Department: Dr. Gábor Jakab
The department in its current form was founded in 2013 under the leadership of Dr. Gábor Jakab, from the instructors of two previous departments. In addition to our department, plant science education and research is currently being conducted at the Institute's Department of Ecology.
The lecturers and researchers of our department participate in the undergraduate courses of the Faculty of Sciences, in the BSc education in biology and viticulture and enology, in the MSc in biology, in the training of biology teachers, and in the work of the Doctoral School of Biology and Sports Biology.
The publications of our department can be found here.
The staff of our department teaches the following subjects in BSc training:
Plant physiology lecture
Plant physiology practice
Plant knowledge practice
Plant biotechnology
Plant taxonomy lecture
Plant taxonomy practice
Plant anatomy lecture
Plant anatomy practice
Statistics practice
The staff of our department teaches the following subjects in MSc training:
Biophysics lecture
Biophysics practice
Evolutionary phylogenetics
Molecular plant taxonomy
Molecular cell biology
Plant development and stress physiology lecture
Plant development and stress physiology seminar and practice
Ecophysiology lecture
Ecophysiology practice
Vegetation and production site evaluation seminar and practice
In connection with our research work, we work with several international and domestic partners.
Our Hungarian partners:
Szeged Biological Research Center of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Research Institute of Ecology and Botany of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Vácrátót)
NAIK Viticulture and Enology Research Institute Kecskemét Research Station
NYME Institute of Botany and Nature Conservation (Sopron)
Our most important foreign partners:
Åke Strid (Örebro University, Sweden)
Brigitte Mauch-Mani (University of Neuchatel, Switzerland)
Bruce I. Reisch (Cornell University, Geneva, NY, USA)
Elmar Robbrecht (National Botanic Garden, Belgium)
Lennart Andersson (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
Marcel Jansen (University College Cork, Ireland)
Martin Pour Nikfardjam (State Research Institute for Viticulture and Pomiculture, Weinsberg, Germany)
Susanne Neugart and Monika Schreiner (Institut für Gemüse- und Zierpflanzenbau, Grossbeeren, Germany)
Philip Dix (Maynooth University, Ireland)
Ole Seberg (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
In addition, the staff of our department are founding members of the UV4Plants Association international organization.