Department of Physical and Environmental Geography
Head: Dr. Gábor Varga, PhD
The mission of the department is to analyse the spatial interactions between physical processes in the environment and to familiarizing our students with them. Our educational activities are extremely wide-ranging: our staff teaches at all educational levels of geography and earth sciences at the Faculty of Sciences, including the Doctoral School of Earth Sciences of UP. In addition to the classical classroom lectures, students can also gain practical knowledge in the laboratories, in field work, or even in international geography-related workshops. Two flume models, high-precision GPSs, a ground-penetrating radar (GPR), a meteorological station, an undisturbed soil sampler and high-resolution imaging drones also serve the study of physico-geographical processes.
The department is involved in several thrilling international projects. They address, for example, sustainable agriculture and land use management, which can facilitate and increase the efficiency of the application of environmentally friendly technologies. Our research also promotes the mitigation of flash flood hazard and its economic consequences, the understanding of Late Pleistocene periglacial phenomena in Hungary, and the development of fossil and recent landslides. Landscape ecological investigations are directed at land rehabilitation with focus on floodplain areas. Our soil-related research provides a better understanding of soil types and water management and contribute to the mitigation of the environmental impacts of climate change. Our extensive hydrometeorological and soil monitoring network provides not only valuable data but also exciting research topics for our students.