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Institute of Chemistry
Welcome to the website of the Institute of Chemistry of the University of Pécs!
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"Welcome, Welcome" speech
As the Director of the Institute (and as a fan of the IgNobel prizes), I would like to welcome, welcome the visitor on the website of the Institute of Chemistry of the Faculty of Sciences at the University of Pécs.
The first predecessor of the University of Pécs was founded in 1367, but the Institute of Chemistry is much younger than that. Our staff is dedicated to maintaining the highest standards both in teaching and scientific research. We offer chemistry training at the BSc, MSc and PhD level. The Institute is composed of four departments: the Department of Analytical and Environmental Chemistry, the Department of General and Inorganic Chemistry, the Department of Physical Chemistry and Materials Science and the External Department of Applied Molecular Sciences. If the visitor misses a Department of Organic Chemistry, that is because it is located at the Medical School for historical reasons and is currently not part of the Institute of Chemistry despite the very close ties both in teaching and research.
Although researchers at the Institute have not yet been awarded an IgNobel or a real Nobel prize, we believe we can transmit our passion about science and chemistry to all students we teach.
We hope you find the information you are looking for on our webpages. Otherwise, please contact us here.
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