Földrajzi és Földtudományi Intézet
Credit: FFI

Institute of Geography and Earth Sciences
Welcome to the website of the Institute of Geography and Earth Sciences of the University of Pécs!
The Institute of Geography and Earth Sciences of the University of Pécs was founded in 1998. It had been preceded by a unit for the teaching and research into geographical problems from the beginning of modern higher education in the city (1922). The department has developed into the largest institute of the Faculty of Sciences, and is also among the largest geographical workshops throughout Hungary. Due the evolution of the last decades, its profile has been extended significantly. In addition to Bachelor (BSc), Master (MSc) in Geography and teacher of geography (MA) training, it also offers BSc in Earth Sciences () and both BSc and MSc in Environmental Sciences. The Doctoral School of Earth Sciences is also an integral part of the institution with various possibilities to proceed post-graduate education in this field of research. Totally, there are about 350 Bachelor, 80 Master and 40 postgraduate students taking part in the institute’s training programs. With offering some English-language courses, individual consultations and research possibilities, ERASMUS fellowship holders and other foreign students are especially welcome.
The institute has a staff of more than 40 geographers, geologists, meteorologists and other professionals, and about 20 people in postgraduate and postdoctorate education. The structure embraces six departments and three transdisciplinary research centres. The departments are organised to cover the main, priority research fields of the institute – see the pages of the departments for further information.