PhD értekezés

Admission requirements:
- Finished MA/MSc diploma - a copy of University / College degree (in English or with official translation; the original hard copy must be shown after arrival) and transcripts
- Certified (in English or with official translation) copy of transcripts
- Two letters of recommendation
- List of publications, if available
- Research plan (1-3 pages)
- An official copy of the language exam certificate - The certificate should have a demonstrated evidence of an adequate level of English proficiency – B2 intermediate level, or official proof that the master study’s instruction language was English
- Medical certificate, vaccination card (showing that you are immunized against HEP B, C) and HIV test, and results of Chest X-Ray
- Europass CV in English
- Motivation letter (introduction plus field of interest, etc.) in 3000 to 3500 characters
- Copy of valid passport or national ID
For PhD students who had started their studies in or after the 2016/2017 academic year the study programme is divided into 2 phases: the study period (2 years) and the research and thesis submission (2 years). By the end of the 2nd period, the student must submit and successfully defend her/his thesis.
At the end of 1st part – the study period – the student is obliged to take a complex comprehensive exam. The student can only enter the 2nd part of the study programme upon the successful completion of the complex exam. In case of failure at the complex exam, accordance with the Hungarian national law on higher education, the student is entitled to apply for the examination again in the same semester of the failed attempt.
In case the second attempt results in failure, the study period of the student terminates, and her/his scholarship holder status ceases.
Upon the successful completion of the complex exam, the student enters the second phase of the study programme. During the second phase, the student must conduct her/his research activity and complete and submit her/his thesis for defence.
The defence of the thesis is the final stage of the doctoral process; after the candidate has successfully defended her/his thesis, a certificate of the completion of the doctoral process is issued stating that she/he had successfully completed all the requirements of the doctoral title. Please note that this certificate itself is not equal with the doctoral title – the PhD title awarded by the Doctoral and Habilitation Committee of the University.
The Doctoral School of Chemistry offers a 4-year postgraduate training focused on individual research supervised by one of the reserachers of the School. Applicants must hold an MSc degree in a natural science or a similar degree in science teaching.
Please note that all applicants should make arrangements with one of the researchers of the Doctoral School before submitting their applications.
Researchers of the Doctoral School of Chemistry
PhD website of the Faculty of Sciences
Application procedure – matching the research topic
According to our standard procedure, applicants should contact the potential supervisor(s) directly. Students are not automatically assigned to professors! The way to contact potential supervisor is to check the announced topics on and match your research interest to one of the announced topics and finally, contact the professor of the selected topic to get his/her approval. If the professor gives you a positive reply, our International Office will be notified, too and you will be provided with a preliminary confirmation letter. This letter proves that you, as an applicant, is supported to apply for the current doctoral topic and you have made a contact with a prospective supervisor a priori. It does not enable you to become a registered PhD student without a successful entrance examination and fulfilling the formal requirements.