Eupraxia poster
Credit: Turnár Szabolcs


3 May 2024


3 May 2024 9:27am

EuPRAXIA-DN School on Plasma Accelerators, an interdisciplinary school, was held in Rome


The last week of April was not boring for the employees of the Institute of Physics at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Pécs. From April 22 to 26, the EuPRAXIA-DN School on Plasma Accelerators, an interdisciplinary school, was held in Rome. The event brought together all research areas within the framework of EuPRAXIA-DN.

The school was jointly organized by INFN and Sapienza University of Rome, with solid support from the University of Liverpool, Cockcroft Institute. University and industry research leaders, as well as researchers, gave lectures at the event. During the lectures, they explained the fundamental principles of plasma accelerators, including the basics of plasma physics, different accelerator layouts, plasma injection methods, plasma and beam manipulation, and diagnostic methods. In addition, two particularly high-impact projects, EuPRAXIA and AWAKE, were presented. During the tutorial sessions held in smaller groups, students had the opportunity to gain a more detailed understanding of individual research areas and engage in debates on emerging issues. Every participant had the opportunity to present their own research in poster form.

Eupraxia előadás

At the event, Andres Leiva Genre from the Institute of Physics at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Pécs, as a participant in the EuPRAXIA-DN project, and Luis Nasi, a PhD student at the Institute of Physics at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Pécs, presented their work on posters. Dr. Szabolcs Turnár, a researcher from the HUN-REN-PTE High-Field Terahertz Research Group, presented the principle of operation of particle accelerators driven by terahertz radiation and manufactured with micromachining in a one-hour invited lecture. Participants also had the opportunity to attend lectures held at the INFN laboratory and participate in lab tours.


Once again, this event was a great experience and a significant advancement for the Institute of Physics at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Pécs, as well as for the HUN-REN Wigner Research Centre for Physics, which is also a partner in European collaboration.

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