KEMNA1201 – Physical chemistry I. lecture
Lecture slides (pdf):
Lecture 01: The properties of gases
Lecture 02: The first law of thermodynamics
Lecture 03: Thermochemistry
Lecture 04: The 2nd and 3rd law of thermodynamics
Lecture 05: Chemical potential in one-component systems
Lecture 06: Chemical potential in multicomponent systems
Lecture 07: The phase rule
Lecture 08: Chemical equilibrium
Lecture 09: Equilibria in specific chemical systems, Homogeneous equilibrium electrochemistry
Lecture 10: Heterogeneous equilibrium electrochemistry
Animations, simulations and other charts (WOLFRAM Demonstrations):
Boltzmann gas
Simulation of a simple gas pressure model
Maxwell speed distribution
Compressibility factor charts
Compressibility factors for van der Waals gases
van der Waals equation of state for a non-ideal gas
Reversible and irreversible expansion or compression work
Carnot cycle on ideal gas
Carnot cycles with irreversible heat transfer
Temperature changes in an ideal gas
Statistical thermodynamics of ideal gases
Low temperature heat capacity of hydrogen molecules
Latent heats of fusion and vaporization
Fluids in the critical region
Single component PV and TV diagrams
Clausius-Clapeyron equation for some common liquids
Entropy changes in mixing ideal gases
Gibbs phase rule
Henry's law for oxygen and carbon dioxide
Vapor pressures of binary solutions
Lever rule applied to the Benzene-Toluene vapor pressure diagram
Vapor-liquid equilibrium diagram for non-ideal mixture
Temperature composition diagram for immiscible liquids
Vapor-liquid-liquid equilibrium
Solid-solid-liquid equilibrium
Adding one component to a binary vapor liquid equilibrium mixture
Add a component to a mixture with an azeotrope
Lemon Batteries
Oral exam, or the mark based on the CLOSING TEST (only good (4) or excellent (5) grade is offered).
Closing test:
- Date: 13 December 2024, 12:00-14:00
- Room: A/117
In the CLOSING TEST, you have to give the basic equations, definitions and diagrams asked, answers to multiple choice questions, and write a short essay about some of the topics of the topic list given.
If the result of the CLOSING TEST is above 75%, a grade is offered based on this test (good (4) above 75%, ecxellent (5) above 90%); if this grade is accepted, there is no oral exam.
Oral exam:
The oral exam begins with a SHORT TEST. In doing so, the student proves his/her preparedness by giving the basic equations, definitions and diagrams asked. The failure of the sort test (less than 50%) results in an fail (1) grade.
Students who successfully answer 50% of the questions of the SHORT TEST pick two topics of the topic list and after some preparation time, they should talk about these topics: they should begin with explanations of the topics and then answer to the questions that arise. Tha grade is given based on this oral exam.
The short test preceding the exam does not have to be written if the student has achieved at least 50% on the CLOSING TEST.