MNVE7103 – Physical chemistry V. laboratory practice
weekly schedule:
week 1: Introduction, laboratory safety, general information.
week 2: Operation of a fluorescence spectrometer.
week 3: Fluorescence spectroscopy. Measurement of quinine sulfate concentrations.
week 4: Fluorescence spectroscopy. Quenching of the fluorescence of quinine sulfate solution.
week 5: Fluorescence spectroscopy. Measurement of the fluorescence lifetime of a quinine sulfate solution.
week 6: Fluorescence spectroscopy. Measurement of lifetime in the presence of a quencher.
week 7: Flow cytometry.
week 8: Atomic force microscopy.
week 9: Raman spectroscopy.
week 10: Fundamentals of electroanalytical methods. Voltammetry.
week 11: Cyclic voltammetry.
week 12: Actinometry.
week 13: Consultation.
week 14: Consultation.