Department of Geology and Meteorology
Head: Dr. habil. János Kovács, PhD. full professor
Our staff teaches geological and meteorological courses for BSc students of Earth sciences, Geography and Chemistry, and for MSc students of Earth Sciences, Geography, Environmental studies and Chemistry. We also teach in the Doctoral School of Earth Sciences and Chemistry, and supervise PhD dissertations. Field courses in the Mecsek Mts. and Villány Hills provide students with hands-on experience; for small student groups field trips to foreign countries are organized as well.
Due to the decline of mining, former renowned research centers in the region have ceased to exist, therefore we both carry out basic research and solve practical problems. The focus areas of our staff are Permo-Triassic stratigraphy and sedimentology, Quaternary geology, Mesozoic palaeontology, tectonics and morphotectonics, geoenergy (GES, EGS), mineralogy and geochemistry; secondary raw materials and critical resource in circular economy. We participate in various applied geological researches (geoenergy, safe disposal of radioactive waste; raw materials).
The other research area of our department is the modeling and computer simulation of atmospheric processes. These studies include the development of regional climate change models, as well as the development of numerical models to forecast extreme weather patterns.