Credit: PTE TTK Szentágothai János Protestáns Szakkollégium
Szofikon 2025
SZOFIKON 2025 - Szentágothai Higher Education Interdisciplinary Conference
SZOFIKON Program Schedule
The renewed Szentágothai János Protestant College of the Faculty of Science at the University of Pécs (PTE TTK SZJSZK) is organizing the SZOFIKON – Szentágothai Higher Education Interdisciplinary Conference with the aim of establishing a new tradition.
The conference will be held in Pécs, in the Faculty of Science building,
on February 28 and March 1, 2025.
The conference is open to everyone. Our goal is to provide opportunities for both international and Hungarian university students to present their scientific work and foster mutual development.
If you want to test yourself at a conference held in Pécs and value feedback from a professional jury, if you are applying for a scholarship and want to gain experience through a scientific presentation, apply to SZOFIKON!
To register, please fill out the application form below:
If you cannot or do not wish to create a Google account but would like to apply, you can contact us at szofikon .
Application deadline: January 31, 2025 (Friday)
Stay updated on conference details through our official channels:
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at szofikon .
We look forward to your applications!
Organizing Committee of PTE TTK SZJSZK SZOFIKON