TTK, Sportközpont, uszoda
Credit: SzabóGabriella
Physical Training BSc
Institute of Physical Education and Sport Sciences
Exercise and Sport Science Training Field
Qualification: Physical Trainer
Key information:
- Duration of training: Full-time 3 years/6 semesters (180 Credits)
- Deadline of application: 30/June
- Starting date: 1/ September (autumn intake only)
- Tuition Fee: 5000Euro/ academic year (consists of 2 semesters)
- Non-refundable application fee: 140 Euro
- Head of the Institute: Dr Márk VÁCZI associate professor
- Academic Coordinator: Dr Tamás ATLASZ associate professor
Description of the program:
The general aim of the program is to train students to become coaches. Trainers who gain well-established theoretical and practical knowledge and skills to be able to plan and implement training sessions for junior players, youth, and adult athletes, too. Coaches become responsible to select athletes, improve and guide their personalities, and enhancing their performance.
The curriculum is organized into five modules: team and individual sports, medical aspects of the sport, social aspects of the sport, sports sciences, and professional practice. Each module has approximately 5-10 subjects. Students participate in internships every semester. During the first three semesters as a visitor then later they are asked to conduct and lead workouts alongside the teachers. The subjects are presented in lectures, seminars, practices, and laboratory work, too.
Admission requirement:
- High motivation for active sport
- Obtained High School leaving certificate
- Good grades in Biology and Physical Education/Sports
- Demonstrated evidence of an adequate level of English proficiency
- Medical certificate, vaccination card (showing that you are immunized against HEP B, C) and HIV test, and results of Chest X-Ray
- Europass CV in English
- Motivation letter (introduction plus field of interest, etc.) in 3000 to 3500 characters
- Copy of valid passport or national ID
- The applicant must turn 18 years old or should be older by the day of enrolment to the current BSc study program
- Sport specialization selection (see the list below)
Optional Sports:
You must choose one sport specialization at the time of the application!
- Athletics
- Handball
- Basketball
- Football
- Swimming
- Fencing (will only start in case of a sufficient number of applicants)
- Pentathlon (will only start in case of a sufficient number of applicants)
All other sport is considered individually!
After you have submitted/uploaded all the required documents, a colleague member from the Institute of Sport Science and Physical Education - usually a student-friendly and erudite professor - will make a contact you to make an appointment and set a date with you for a Skype interview.
Topics that usually come up during the interviews: Basics of Anatomy; Basics of Physiology; Your Sport and School Background
- 1st year
- Introduction to Psychology
- Anatomy I-II.
- Sport theory and practice
- Human Biology
- Introduction of Research Methods in Science
- 2nd year
- Leading and practice of training
- Physiology I-II
- Biomechanics
- Basics of individual sports (Basics of athletics, swimming, football, etc.)
- Sport psychology
- Physical Education Games
- 3rd year
- Outdoor activities (recreational sports and games)
- Sport Management
- Performance Testing
- Programs of Youth Sports
- Prevention, Physical Therapy, Rehabilitation
- Sport Injuries
- Thesis (consultations and writing)
Further Education Opportunities:
- Recreation MSc
- Sports Coaching MSc
- Adapted Physical Education MSc
Future Job Opportunities:
The obtained sports science and profession entitle you to any jobs that require sports knowledge and competencies in the field of leisure sports and/or competing sports. Various sports services, such as personal training, winter- summer sports training; organizing, conducting, and animating sports camps and events as well as different levels of competitive sports are available as job vacancies.